Pre-Construction Service

Pre-Construction Services

sCONS is known for providing value to project stakeholders early in the construction process whether a design build project, or a traditional workflow. With specialized construction knowledge, effective collaboration methods and applications, sCons have achieved and delivered value through true integration between design and construction.

1.Pre-Construction Modeling (LOD 300)

sCons are strong proponents of Reinforcement detailers and Concrete modeler working directly with the structural engineer, or general contractor during the design and tender stage. Using specialized cloud-based software to rapidly deliver designed and optimized connected models early in the project, Scons approach eliminates double handling, reduces the number of RFI’s (requests for information), and change orders later in a project.

2. LOD 400 Modeling

At Scons, we believe developing an LOD 400 connected model brings tremendous tangible and intangible value to the Reinforcement fabrication contract as it allows you to “look before you leap”. When sCONS develops a LOD 400 Fabrication Ready model, we confirm factors like actual Reinforcement locations, clearances requireds. Additionally, unlike simpler LOD 200 or 300 models, LOD 400 models can actually be used for fabrication, and highly accurate model and placing plans can be generated. We provide accurate representation of all Fabrication/Installation details, period The result is a massively streamlined RFI resolution process, less headaches, and a more efficient process.

On-time Delivery

Expertise in all project types

Customer Support